I’m seated on this hot seat; drenched in frustration
Watching two hours of my life waste away
Just because I don’t have power over it
Due to the fact that it has been transferred to
The prison warder called examination


So now he determines my free time
This is meant to be the other way round
‘Because I’m at a disadvantage here
I tried to get the upper hand but was denied

So what happened to the so called “you own your life”
Because we all know that TIME = LIFE
Right from day one; our lives has been filled with controlling factors…
Our parents, teachers, invigilators, doctors, mechanics, police force…
Just to mention a few

But they all cover it all with “we are doing it for your good”
Do we have a life of our own or are we just slaves with many masters?
You may not serve two masters at a time but
You sometimes serve more than two in a day!!!

So can someone tell this jailer I’m done serving my term for now?
And so holding me beyond normal gives me the right to sue
But you can’t claim rights in prison so… what’s the point?!!!
By the time you are out; it’s too late even with the evidence
So is it justice and democracy or slavery, you decide

I have a lot to improve myself with in these two hours; but it’s all a waste!!!
And when you are not productive; they blame you
They claim they were geeks but go check their resume….
Power is sweet but people act like pigs when they have it

They would say “be orderly” but they cause the “chaos”
And they would complain and say the people are out of control
Is it democracy or hypocrisy?
Where they let the power take control over them and not vice versa